8 of The Most Eggcelent Easter Ads of All Time

Themed ads arent always the easiest, if you need some inspiration have a look! These ads are great, humorous, and creative, so even if you're not planning on using these for inspiration, have a look for a guaranteed smile.
Kafer Confectionery
Mixing humor with chocolate isnt always the easiest, prime example of a job well done here!
Co-op Food "The Eggsperiments"
The Co-operative Food has created eight online films, called "eggsperiments", where members of the public step up to help a stranger in need, who is actually a hired actor. The campaign aims to inspire people to be "good eggs" - A great way to connect easter, their product, as well as send out a good message!
Reese's Ad
Great way to tie in easter with a humorous quote.
M&S Ad
Classic ad, with great visuals showcasing festive products.
M&M Ad
Creatively, the shell of the M&M is compared to the shell of an egg to connect it with the spirit of easter.
ASDA Giant Hen
The giant hen is a great idea, it makes their product come across as fresh even though it is fictional, and the giant hen creates an impactful image sticking in people's minds while being humorous
Heineken Beer Ad
Who knew beer could be linked to easter with such a simple, yet perfect image?
Wilkinson Razor Ad
Now, this one must have taken some serious 'out of the box' thinking.
Just because your product or company doesnt have anything to do with easter, doesnt mean you should skip the festive ads. Think outside the box, I'm sure your imagination has been sparked after looking at the ads above! However if your company or product does relate to easter, as you can see, how you showcase your product can really make an impact. Send out a good message with it, or just get creative!
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