Business Blog Post Inspiration

Choosing a blog topic can be tricky so I've created this list of inspirational points to help you never go without a topic! There are many examples attached so you can get an idea of what your posts could look like as well. Good luck!
Lets get started...
If you learn something new, write an explanatory blog post to tell your customers how to. It's a great way to not only reinforce the information in your head, but practice too, for example I was learning to audit websites and wrote this post.
Relate a popular post. If you notice that a popular blogger’s posts getting a lot of attention for example a certain HubSpot article, give your viewpoint and link to the original post. Letting the blogger know about your post is always a good idea, they might decide to respond which could get your blog some great exposure!
Be inspired by pop culture. Pop culture is something that everyone can relate to and will hear about on the radio, social media and more. Commenting on it and relating it to your business is a great way to grab peoples attention. Alex, a member of our digital team did this perfectly with his post "#POGBACK: What Can Digital Marketing Learn From This Epic Saga?"
Roundup some links. If you notice several interesting opinions on a single topic you can pull together the points you believe are best backed up by research, or most effective, and bring them together into a list of best practices depending on the topic.
Have a fun blog post. Though all seems serious in a business blog, it’s always a good idea to include posts that are relatable on a personal level. For example one day when I was stuck for blog post topics I wrote about it and how I was having a really unproductive day! We are also in the middle of writing a blog post about testing radio stations for an office setting.
Answer the questions customers are asking. You want to be seen as an expert in your field, your blog is a place for you to shine and showcase your knowledge. Your readers will appreciate the information and keep coming back when they want to learn more.
Discuss future plans. Depending on your business you might like to discuss future plans or improvements, give your readers a sneak peek at what you'll do in the coming year to start sparking interest.
Reviews are always helpful. Review a book relevant to your field in business, maybe review software, or even another persons blog! Anything your viewers might find interesting that is related to your business is always a good idea to write a review on.
Create an infographic. People love learning, posts with infographics get shared a lot on social networks due to the fact filled nature people feel secure that what they're learning about is fact, not opinion.
Report on a conference. Quote inspiring speakers or tell readers about the latest trends and ideas from the conference that you'll be implementing. If you attend any big conferences or go to any talks, for example Inbound 2016, write about it so that people who weren't able to attend can get key information from you!
Staff profiles. Give your readers an idea of who your team is by giving a human face to your company. Introduce all employees, long or short term, we choose to do this at the bottom of our blog posts as you can see, but writing an actual post is also a great idea.
Show your charity work. If your business practices socially responsible marketng, make sure it's known! Write a post about the work that you do for your community, give updates with not only words, but photos and maybe even videos.
Write a series. If you want to teach your customers something new but there's a lot of different aspects, break the topic into several parts. Series posts are a great way to gain subscribers too! Creative team member Stephanie did this with her Blogging Masterclass:
- Blogging Masterclass: How to create a blog
- Blogging Masterclass: the 5 steps to Create an Editorial Calendar (Plus Free Template)
- Ultimate Blogging Masterclass: How to Write A Blog
- Ultimate Blogging Masterclass: 5 ways to get your blog noticed
Take a reader poll. Using tools such as SurveyMonkey makes this really easy for you to collect information. The other easiest option would be to use your business Facebook page to set up a poll, this will also likely draw readers to "like" your page.
Share poll or contest results. Don't leave readers hanging; do a follow-up post to announce the results.
Keyword posts. Pay attention to Google Analytics to find out which keyword searches bring the most customers to your site and make use of them by posting about them!
Showcase the best of your blog. If you think some of your best stuff is buried in the archive, repost your 10 favorite posts from the past year.
After looking through this list I hope you've been inspired! Good luck, happy blogging!
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