No Motivation at Work? We've Got The Remedy

Do you ever have those days at work when you can't seem to get around to doing anything? Maybe you had a really bad nights sleep, or you've just lost your motivation and need an energy boost? Here are some guaranteed tips and tricks to clear up that fuzzy brain, and leave you feeling refreshed and recharged no matter what level of 'brain fuzz' you have. Find out your diagnosis below with the corresponding solutions.
A) I Have No Drive
Go for a brisk walk
A brisk walk is one of the best natural energy boosters out there. Boosting blood circulation and increasing oxygen supply to your cells which leaves you feeling alert and happy! Yes you read that right, exercise has been proven to boost your mood as effectively as antidepressants in mild to moderate cases of depression.
Have a snack
According to Women’s Health there are quite a few healthy snacks that double as a great energy booster. A fresh piece of fruit with a serving of almonds has all the natural carbs and sugar needed to help you feel refreshed and more awake. Some other options include roasted edamame (very high in fiber and very high in protein), baked black bean or lentil crisps and The Laughing Cow spreadable cheese wedges (cheese and crisps is a great combo for energy) try the Light Queso Fresco & Chipotle flavor. "Spicy can wake you up!" Another Reason you may be drowsy is that you might be dehydrated without even realizing it, grab some water! If water sounds a bit bland to you, try grabbing some low-fat chocolate milk to switch up your pick-me-up. Some other snacks suggested are: greek yogurt + fresh berries, grapefruit wedges + cottage cheese. Roledale’s Organic Life suggests, porridge as an ‘energy powerhouse’ due to its low-glycemic index as well as chia seeds which ward off fatigue with its brain boosting omega 3 fatty acids. Leafy greens, rich in B vitamins helps convert food to energy and eggs, rich in protein helps give you sustained energy all day!
Change your scenery
Sometimes something as simple as changing your scenery can make all the difference when it comes to getting you back on track. Break your daily routine, being repetitive can get boring! Make sure your boss approves though of course! Go and sit in a coffee shop or outside in the fresh air for a bit.
Have something minty
The “North American Journal of Psychology” published an article in 2005 claiming they carried out a study proving that when people chewed peppermint-flavored gum their memory improved quite significantly and they worked faster! Others that smelled peppermint instead of chewing it had slightly improved memory and participants had less fatigue and more vigor. Looks like its time you take a trip down the road, go buy yourself some peppermints because that might be just what you need give you the energy to complete the task at hand!
B) Get a coffee, go for a brisk walk and power through...
Sorry to say it, but there comes a time when everyone needs a bit of tough love. In this situation you really don’t have a choice, you have a deadline nearing and your work needs to be knocked out. Go for a brisk walk and when you get back have a little snack, you can do this!
C) Feeling completely useless
Work on a monotonous task
You're already likely bored out of your mind so you might as well do one of those monotonous tasks that you've been putting off for ages. You're not in the right mental state to trust yourself working on important projects and tasks so don't take any risks! You don't want to make any mistakes that could come back around to hurt you in the future, sometimes you just shouldn't fight the way you feel.
When your brain is feeling fuzzy, getting organised has been proven to be psychologically theraputic. Re-arrange your desk or your files so you feel more organised and mentally at peace. Having a little distraction that relaxes your brain might clear away some of the fuzzy feeling too!
Go for a brisk walk to a grocery store, phone your mum on the way, buy snacks, chew minty gum on the walk back, and down a coffee when you sit back down in the office.
If you're reading this I'm guessing its because you don't think any of the options above are intense enough for you. You're out of options and your desperate so why not bunch as many as you can together? Surely that'll work, and while you're at it give your mum a call. I don't know about you but my mum loves to chat, there's no chance of falling asleep if you have her on the phone chatting your ear off! Besides, mum's are always right and know you best so I'm sure she'll give you some insightful advice!
There you have it, the best tips to combat feeling useless in your work place all compiled into this one golden blog post for you to enjoy, consider yourself cured! Sometimes when you're generally in an unmotivated and tired enviornment it can be infectious so make sure you do youself an added favour and share this with your friends at the office!
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